Sheriff Hughes responds to Governor’s Proclamation

In reference to the Governor’s mandate on firearm restrictions. I had had a number of citizens of this county inquire what my stance is on this issue.
To keep it short and sweet, when took my oath of office I swore to uphold the Constitution of United States. This is something I take very seriously and as long as I am the Sheriff of Catron County this office will never enforce unconstitutional mandates that go against what this country was founded on. Law abiding citizens who are armed is not the problem with what is happening in the State of New Mexico. The entire problem stems from allowing criminals have free rein. To sum it up, basically the Catron County Sheriff’s Office totally supports not only your 2nd amendment rights but also all others in the Constitution. I also have no problem in saying that the other leaders of this County will support me in saying this. May God help us all when government decides against the well being of the citizens they represent by taking actions such as this.
Sheriff Keith Hughes